Friday, January 29, 2010

It's been a while!

I haven't been blogging at all lately, too much going on. Right now I am still working as a dog groomer but also working at a Farmer's Insurance Agency and studying to get my insurance agent's license. It's slow and tedious, but it's coming along. So I'm working five-six days a week but still managing to crochet quite a bit.

As far as my shop goes, things have definitely picked up in the last month. For some reason, there weren't very many Christmas sales, but January has been awesome! I've finally noticed that the majority of my sales are made on weekends, which makes total sense. That's when people have time to get on Etsy to shop. I think I'm averaging about two sales a week so far, and that far surpasses my expectations. These bowls are definitely the way to go.

Next I want to learn how to needle felt. It looks like fun, and so many things can be made that way. I'd also like to upgrade the wool yarn I use. There's a great shop in Albuquerque called Village Wools that is on my list of places to visit as soon as I have the money. Maybe even next week! Hopefully they will have felting needles and I can kill two birds with one stone. Can't wait to go!

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