Today was my day to work at the Farmer's Insurance agency where I am a bookkeeper. It's not my favorite job, but at least it provides a somewhat steady paycheck. It feels a little demeaning sometimes, knowing I have an MBA and yet I'm doing bookkeeping, filing, copying, and faxing. Eventually I will be a Farmer's agent, but not for a few weeks yet. I wonder what joys that will bring....
Tomorrow is grooming day again, and I can't wait! Apparently lots of little dogs, which are so much easier to do than big dogs. Well, sometimes they are, if they're used to be groomed.
Sales are still good in my shop, although they've slowed down somewhat. Not really sure why, but it looks like felted bowls in general aren't being made with as much frequency. I usually love looking at everyone else's felted bowls, but lately very few new things are being posted. I just posted my first orange bowl--and then realized that my photos of it SUCK. LOL Oh, well, hopefully someone will see the charm in this great bowl.....